Besides your regular monthly usage and supply charges, you may incur a Disconnection or Reconnection fee in these scenarios:
- If your property is disconnected for being classified as an 'unknown consumer' (usage without an active account) a one-time reconnection charge will apply when you register an account in your name.
- Non-payment of your bill may result in additional charges, including disconnection and reconnection fees after receiving a disconnection notice.
- A Call Out Fee (appears as a Reconnection Fee) may also apply for any meter investigations or customer requested site visits.
- Meter Reconfiguration requests relating to Solar installs are quoted separately to below, must be accepted prior to us attending.
Please refer to state-specific charges for details.
State | Manual Disconnection Fee | Manual Reconnection Fee |
Victoria | $38.00 Inc GST | $38.00 Inc GST |
New South Wales (Ausgrid) | $15.87 Inc GST | $15.87 Inc GST |
New South Wales (Endeavour) | $61.27 Inc GST | $55 Inc GST |
ACT | $90.00 Inc GST | $90.00 Inc GST |
Queensland | $0.00 | $0.00 |