There are number of options for paying your energy bill, they are:
Direct DebitLogin at and locate Manage Account from your dashboard, or call 1300 609 387 to setup a direct debit from your bank account or credit card.
PhoneCall 13 18 16 to pay by Visa or Mastercard.
OnlineLogin at and locate Make Payment from your dashboard to make a one-off payment with Visa or Mastercard.
Mail (Cheque)At the bottom of your bill there is a payslip that you can post with your cheque payable to: The Embedded Networks Company Pty Ltd Locked Bag 14060, Melbourne VIC 8001
BPAY®Biller Code: 959502 Ref: <Please use your seene Account Number beginning with 1000>
POST billpayBillpay Code: 3617
In PersonPay in person at any post office or phone 13 18 16.
CentrepayA voluntary bill paying service which is free for Centrelink customers. You can use Centrepay to arrange regular deductions from your Centrelink payment. Seene Centrepay Reference: 555 128 971 B Centrepay can be set up direct with Centrelink (Services Australia), or if you'd prefer one of our team to help set this up, please get in contact. If setting up yourself, please ensure you reference your seene account number so that payment is allocated correctly.